Fall Hours

​Second Wednesdays @ Lents Park 1-3 pm

Third Saturday @ Glenhaven Park 1-3 pm

Fourth Saturday @ 16221 SE Stark 1-3 pm

Supplies List

Pharmacy List

COVID-19 Rapid Antigen tests, KN95 masks, Condoms, Lube, Emergency Contraceptive(17+), Pregnancy Test, Feminine Hygiene Products, Menstrual Supplies, Hand Sanitizer, Antiseptic Wipes (body), Disinfectant Wipes (surfaces), Gum, Deodorant, Travel Toothbrush/Toothpaste, Dry Shampoo, etc.

Harm Reduction Supplies

Nasal Narcan, Fentanyl Test Strips, Sharps, Tourniquets, Cookers, Sterile Water, Wound Care items, etc.

Work Supplies

Makeup, outfits, shoes, etc.

Family Supplies

Diapers, wipes, baby clothes, toddler clothes, formula

Please note: Availability and sizes may vary. We do our best to stay stocked with water and gatorade but do not offer sack lunches or food regularly. For food security resources visit: 

Food Finder - Oregon Food Bank